10+ years experience.
chem shipping, bi muse.
serious + crack.
mostly TL roleplay.
not new to verse or character.

i'm a college student, so please don't pressure me for replies! i will get to it when I have free time. sometimes, it's just easier for me to banter than to do full blown RPs.


name: angela ziegler
age: 37
gender: ??? ( she / they )
sexuality: bisexual

angela is constantly tired.
she's also snarky, and sassy, and she loves to push people's buttons, if she knows it's not harming anything.
she also has a tremendously kind soul, and will drop everything instantly if she has to help someone.
she has... a few problems with connecting to her own emotions, mostly because of her mental health problems, but she doesn't let that get in the way of her work.

angela ziegler, by all means, had a happy childhood. her medically-trained parents loved and cared for her, and were always there to lend her a helping hand.
they sadly passed in the omnic crisis-- a quick event that left her shattered. she was only 9 at the time, and so she had a brief period of time where she was a foster child. luckily, a family friend, torbjörn lindholm, decided to take her in.

angela has always been a prodigy in the medical field. after her parents' deaths, she threw herself into her studies more passionately, to the point where she refused to go outside and interact with other people. instead, she'd rather read.

because of both her talent and her hard work, angela managed to get her degrees at an impossibly young age.

she wrote a paper on nanobiotics, helped build them-- and managed to land a job with overwatch as their head of medical research.

blah blah blah, other things happen, overwatch falls. we all know these parts.

then, winston, so many years later, issues the recall-- and though angela has her reservations, she's spurred on by the sighting of some old allies that makes her decide to rejoin overwatch.

and that's where we are today!

my portrayal of angela is heavily based on headcanons, mostly about her personality! please make sure you read her headcanons pagel. interacting with her may be different because of them.


here are my angela headcanons. these hold a lot of weight in her serious interactions, and are a recommended read.


because of her parent's deaths and her subsequent social distancing, angela has difficulties connecting with people on deeper levels. a conversation is fine, but she struggles with having meaningful relationships at times.
she's spent too much of her time up in her room reading medical books to have built normal relationships when she was a child / teenager.


angela is a master of observation, and she can easily spot when others require something from her or are acting 'out the norm,' as she deems it.


she genuinely cares for her morals. she truly believes that people come first, and she'll lay her life down on the line for anyone who needs it. she's a person of tremendous heart, even though she struggles to think of it that way.


because of her childhood and her time spent with overwatch, angela has a lot of mental weight with her. she frequently has nightmares, can barely sleep. she chooses to throw herself into her work to avoid sleeping.


she views torbjorn as a father figure and brigitte as a sister, because of how the lindholms took her in when she was younger.
she was there for brigitte's birth, even.


currently, angela has no ships.

this account is open to both the idea of singleshipping and multishipping.
depending on angela's first ship on this account, she may be one or the other, whatever the shipping partner is comfortable with!

all ships are alternate timelines, if multiship.

mun is open to all ships, as long as they aren't morally wrong, such as pedophilia and the like. :)


hi, i'm mads!

i'm 22, use they/them pronouns, and i'm a lesbian!

i'm a mercy, ana, and ashe main.

i'm very smoothbrained

i love moira maybe a bit too much, it's kind of a problem and my friends make fun of me for it